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Saudi Arabia women’s PGA Tour: Anna Nordqvist wants to avoid injury at Olympics

Saudi Arabia women’s PGA Tour: Anna Nordqvist wants to avoid injury at Olympics

ByJoe05/11/20203 min read

Armitstead wants to cut her pain in the hillsAnna Nordqvist says she wants to avoid the pain of injury again this year after going to the Games in the Winter…

The best first-class Airbnbs and passengers posting funny holiday travel videos

The best first-class Airbnbs and passengers posting funny holiday travel videos


As the holiday travel season revs up, travelers around the world share some of their experiences for the first week of December, including airplane service, more turbulence and hilarious video…

Germany moves to commit to cannabis and coal ban

Germany moves to commit to cannabis and coal ban


Image copyright Simon Schluter Image caption Germany’s new government will announce plans to take a tougher stance on coalGermany’s incoming government, led by Angela Merkel’s conservatives, has pledged to end…

Mariano Rajoy: the far-right presidential candidate tempting voters from Chile’s left and center

Mariano Rajoy: the far-right presidential candidate tempting voters from Chile’s left and center


Mariano Rajoy is a member of a party that was founded by Chilean leftwingers seeking revenge for the 1973 coup that ousted Salvador AllendeThe far-right presidential candidate tempting voters from…