Jon Gosselin taken to hospital for hotel spider bite

Image copyright Mork vicki, MD Image caption A couple from New Jersey was bitten on holiday in Spain

Celebrity reality TV star Jon Gosselin was taken to hospital after he was bitten by a venomous spider while sleeping.

The 41-year-old was reportedly sleeping on a ground-floor balcony at a Barcelona hotel when he found himself under the bite after closing his eyes.

Mr Gosselin was “treated by paramedics and sent back to his room” to recover, his spokesman told US website E! News.

His family are due to return to the US next week.

Temptations on vacation

Temptations at Night, a web series that Mr Gosselin appears in with his wife and children, recently posted a video of the comedian getting bitten by a spider and applying antivenom.

Cannibal entertainment

Another episode showed him pleasuring himself at a theatre near Montserrat, where he and his clan were vacationing.

“Everything is harmless!” he said. “I even went into the show with a souvenir but from time to time you get bit and from time to time you want to investigate.”

He filmed himself sticking his penis out and asked his host if he was curious.

Dude bites his penis

They eventually discovered he had bitten the outside of his penis.

“Wish I saw his penis,” he said. “Can’t have one without the other – in your hands, in your boots.”

“I know and I’m not feeling no crap.”

In 2013, Mr Gosselin was a regular on Celebrity Big Brother UK, where he fell out with fellow housemate Ricky Norwood, who insisted that Mr Gosselin had been a drug addict.

Neither man appeared to remember whether the comment was made jokingly.

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